Setting up of company

Setting up of company

Entrepreneurs who plan to establish a company but do not want to waste time circulating authorities have the ideal opportunity to use our services of establishing turn-key company. We will establish a new company exactly according to your requirements and needs.

When establishing a limited liability company, you need to pay-up the registered capital of at least CZK 1, - on the bank account of the newly created Ltd. 

Upon the establishment of a JSC, you have to pay-up the share capital of CZK 2.000.000, or at least CZK 600.000 and pay the rest within 1 year from the date of the incorporation of the company.

If you want to maintain a certain prestige among your business partners, we recommend to have a higher share capital than it's obligatory minimum, i.e. CZK 1 for the Ltd. If you lack the funds, you can buy one of our ready-made companies, where the capital has been already repaid by us.

Before you make a binding order of our service, we will give you expert advice so you can receive all information you need to make informed decisions about the exact structure of your company. We will advise you on how to choose a company name and registered office for your company, or we can offer you a related service of providing a virtual office for your new company.

I want consultation

You can choose from following services

ARSY line - creation of websites and e-shops