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Ready made SE
Ready made European company - Czech abbreviation EC or E.C., the international abbreviation SE (from the Latin name Societas Europea) is a company that was created solely for the purpose of sale to the final customer. Ready made European company has no trading history and thus is completely free from receivables and liabilities, therefore it has a 100 % guarantee of indebtedness. Ready made EC from our company has ibtained a license for free trades. The new owner can start business with this ready made SE immediately.
All ready-made European companies from our company have fully paid-up share capital of 120,000 Euro. Capital stock of the Company is divided into shares, the European society is sometimes referred to as a European joint stock company .
Establishing an ES is not as easy as establishing a Czech joint stock company or a limited liability company. Establishing an European company is a very lengthy and costly legal process which requires a cross-border element. Ready made European company is best way to acquire a new European company.
The main advantages of ready made SE include, in particular, the high international prestige of the European legal form and the possibility of relocating a European society to another EU country.
Price of a ready made SE includes:
- layout and organization of the General Meeting and election of new members of the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of the SE
- verification of required documents and signatures on all documents and papers
- court fee for registration of changes in the commercial register
- settlement of free trades
- change of the registered office within Prague
- guarantee of registration of change of owner of the ready made SE in the Commercial Register
- excerpt from the criminal record of the Board of Directors and Supervisory Board
- transfer of securities of the ready made SE
- extract from the Trade Register of ready made SE and from cadaster
- registration for income tax
- guarantee of 100 % debt free
Beginning June 27, 2013, there was a change of the Commercial Code concerning the anonymous bearer securities, and namely by the entry into force of the Act on certain measures to increase the transparency of joint stock companies. Since that date, a newly established European company (also e.g. SE ready made based after this date) can no longer issue bearer shares in certificated form, thus ending the anonymity of owners of these shares (equity shareholders of the company).
If you still want to benefit from the anonymity of the shares in the company , we recommend you to use our offshore services.