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Price list of our services

We provide our services on the basis of a transparent and complete price list, which we divided for you according to the area of provided services. 

We pride ourselves on the fact that our prices are always clear and final - you will not find any hidden fees at Valian.

Please select below the price list of the particular service you are interested in:

Price lists

Prices of Czech companies

Prices for the establishment of the turnkey company and prices for sale of ready made  companies in CZ.

Setting up of s.r.o. from 5.900, - CZK!

Prices of virtual office

Prices for the provision of office and virtual office services. No single or hidden fees!

Virtual office in Prague from 99, - CZK per month!

Prices of offshore companies

Prices for establishing an offshore company in a tax haven and offshore prices of related services.

Offshore company for 34.900, - CZK!

Prices of accounting services

Prices of accounting and bookkeeping services and prices of tax advicing.

Accounting for 1.000,- CZK per month!

Prices of permanent residence

Prices for providing permanent address in Prague, Liberec, České Budějovice and Ostrava. No hidden fees!

Virual permanent residence address in Prague, Liberec, České Budějovice or Ostrava starting at 219,- CZK per month!