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Virtual office Ústí nad Labem

Palachova 405/22, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem-město-Klíše

The company's virtual address in Ústí nad Labem provides the company with an official address for business correspondence and communication with customers and partners. This address can give the company a professional and trustworthy impression, especially because it is located in a beautiful historic villa in close proximity to the city center of Ústí nad Labem.

The cost of the service includes:

  • designation of the headquarters of the property or in their premises in accordance with the law
  • mailbox bearing your company
  • receiving and storing mail
  • informing the client about post delivered to headquarters

Price list:

Subscription period

*4 years

*3 years

*2 years

*1 year

*6 months

(payable in advance)

 219 CZK/ per month

 259 CZK/ per month

319 CZK/ per month

419 CZK/ per month



* Prices for the service of providing company virtual office are listed excluding VAT

Competent authorities:

Tax Office for the Region

Territorial Department Ústí nad Labem

Dlouhá 3359 400 21, ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM-MĚSTO


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